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Winter Wildlife To Watch Out For When Walking In Scotland


The Scottish Highlands is home to some of the UK’s rarest wildlife, and on your winter outings you will have a unique opportunity to spot some of these elusive creatures. Here are some of the fantastic beasts you may well find on a winter walking course in Scotland.

Mountain hares

Mountain hares are native to the Scottish Highlands, and also some of the islands including Skye and Mull. They are fascinating creatures with the ability to transform from their grey-brown summer coats to pure white (except for the black tips of their ears) in the winter, to enable them to disguise themselves from predators in snowy conditions. 

They tend to move in zig zag patterns, powering themselves along with their strong hind legs. Due to their excellent camouflage, you may not spot them when they are less active. However, if you are out walking in the spring when the snow has begun to thaw, you will find the hares are most visible because they have not had time to grow out their white coats. 

Red deer

The red deer is the least elusive of the Scottish wildlife, and can often be found grazing in glens, hillsides and moorlands. They are a russet-brown colour with a pale patch on their rear and tail. The males (stags) have impressive branching antlers that they use to clash with rival stags during the mating season in autumn, as they fight for the right to females.


Ptarmigans are grouse-like birds that mainly live in the upper reaches of the Scottish Highlands. Their plumage turns almost white in winter, apart from the tail which stays black or dark grey. In summer, the birds moult their winter feathers to become a mottled brown colour, turning grey in the autumn to help them maintain their disguise from predators. 

Pine martens

Pine martens are a member of the weasel family, about the size of a cat. They have brown fur with a creamy patch at their neck and chest. The number of pine martens in Scotland declined sharply in the 19th and 20th century, because they were persecuted by gamekeepers. 

However, after being afforded legal protection in 1988 and various breeding and re-introduction schemes across Scotland, numbers are beginning to recover, although they are still considered to be a rare and endangered species. Pine martens are most often spotted in or near woodlands, and remain active throughout winter thanks to thick fur.

Golden eagles

Golden eagles were also heavily persecuted in the past, and the magnificent birds of prey remain a rare and protected species. They tend to favour the highest and remotest mountain crags, and you may spot them soaring and hovering for prey, particularly if you view through binoculars. 

Respecting wildlife

If you are fortunate enough to spot any of these creatures, admire them from a distance and remain still and quiet to avoid disturbing them. Attempting to get too close can cause unnecessary distress at a time when their energy levels and resources may be low. 



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